Hope and Help: Pope Francis’ Mission to Aid the Underprivileged in Papua New Guinea


Pope Francis concluded his inaugural day in Papua New Guinea with a focus on aiding marginalized communities, as part of a more extensive tour of Asia. His mission was to underscore the importance of the Catholic Church in providing support to vulnerable populations, particularly in disadvantaged regions.

During his visit to Port Moresby, the capital city, Pope Francis directed church leaders to prioritize their efforts on the outskirts of the country and within impoverished urban areas. He stressed the church’s commitment to assisting those who have been victimized either morally or physically due to the prevalence of prejudice and superstition in the region.

Papua New Guinea has been plagued by high rates of sexual assault, leading Human Rights Watch to list it as one of the most perilous countries for women and girls. Recognizing this grave issue, Pope Francis emphasized the need for the church to intervene and advocate for the protection and rights of all individuals, especially women and children.

Addressing a gathering at the Shrine of Mary Help of Christians, where Catholic organizations engage in humanitarian and educational activities, Pope Francis underscored the importance of supporting organizations that work towards the betterment of society. He visited the Caritas Technical Secondary School, which caters to impoverished girls, as well as the “street ministry” and “Callan services,” which provide assistance to the underprivileged and disabled.

The pope’s visit to the girls’ school held particular significance in light of the pervasive injustice and violence faced by women in Papua New Guinea. His interactions with local leaders and residents showcased his commitment to promoting equality and addressing societal challenges.

During his visit, Pope Francis urged bishops and priests in Papua New Guinea to emulate the compassionate and caring nature of God in their actions. He stressed the importance of showing love, understanding, and kindness to all individuals, especially those in need of support and assistance.

As he bid farewell to the congregation gathered outside the church, Pope Francis expressed his gratitude for their patience and support. In a light-hearted moment, he requested the community to pray for him, invoking laughter and a sense of camaraderie among the audience.

Throughout his visit, Pope Francis was warmly received by the indigenous tribes of Papua New Guinea, adorned in vibrant traditional attire, singing and dancing in celebration of his presence. The Pope’s visit to the region marked one of his longest trips as pontiff, encompassing a 12-day journey across four Southeast Asian and South Pacific nations, including stops in East Timor and Singapore.

By prioritizing the needs of vulnerable populations and underscoring the role of the Catholic Church in fostering social change and justice, Pope Francis’s visit to Papua New Guinea served as a beacon of hope and compassion for those in need. His message of inclusivity and solidarity resonated with the local communities, inspiring a renewed sense of purpose and unity in addressing the challenges faced by the region.