An Economic Expert Declines Milei’s Offer to Lead Central Bank of Brazil: Searching for Better Strategies


In a surprising turn of events, an economic expert, Demian Reidel, has recently declined an enticing offer to lead the Central Bank of Brazil from the newly elected President, Javier Milei. This unexpected decision has sparked speculation and left many questioning the reasoning behind Reidel’s refusal. In an exclusive interview with La Nación, Reidel revealed his rationale, stating, “There is a difference in the formulation of policies, and there are people who can do that better.”

Reidel, a renowned economist, is no stranger to the world of central banking. During Mauricio Macri’s presidency, he served as the vice president of the Central Bank, accumulating valuable experience and expertise. His tenure at the Central Bank allowed him to forge strong relationships with policymakers and economic experts around the globe, enhancing his standing as a trusted authority in the field.

Despite declining the offer, Reidel expressed his unwavering support for the Milei administration, highlighting his loyalty to their cause. “I fully support the Milei administration. Sou un mileísta de primeira hora,” Reidel proclaimed, emphasizing his endorsement of Milei’s policies and dedication to furthering their shared goals.

Milei, a charismatic and controversial figure, has been a vocal proponent of reforming Argentina’s economic landscape. He has frequently advocated for the closure of the Central Bank, citing a “moral obligation” as his reasoning. Moreover, Milei has been a prominent advocate for dollarizing Argentina’s economy, a move that has sparked widespread debate amongst economists and policymakers alike.

However, despite Milei’s intention to dismantle the Central Bank, the administration has recently made another significant announcement. They revealed that Luis Andrés Caputo, a seasoned individual in financial affairs, has been approached to head the Ministry of Economy. The Argentine press has unanimously agreed that Caputo, former Finance Minister and Central Bank President, is more than qualified for this crucial role.

The potential appointment of Caputo as the head of the Ministry of Economy has generated considerable excitement and optimism among experts and citizens alike. Caputo’s extensive experience and track record in financial matters make him a natural fit for the role, as he has previously navigated turbulent economic waters with poise and precision. Many believe that his expertise and insights will prove invaluable in stabilizing and revitalizing Argentina’s economy.

While Reidel’s decision to decline the offer to lead the Central Bank of Brazil may have come as a surprise to many, his desire to see the institution led by someone who can formulate effective policies suggests a profound commitment to the betterment of the country’s economic landscape. As an esteemed economist, Reidel’s decision not only reflects his humility but also demonstrates his dedication to ensuring that the right individuals are in positions of power to drive economic progress.

As the Milei administration continues to shape Argentina’s economic future, the spotlight remains on the appointments and policies that will ultimately define their legacy. With the potential appointment of Caputo, experts and citizens eagerly anticipate the implementation of strategic measures that will address the pressing economic challenges faced by the nation. Reidel’s decision serves as a reminder of the importance of placing competent and skilled individuals at the helm of crucial institutions, setting the stage for a prosperous and sustainable economic future.